Webmaster Tools

  • Can't login after moving to new server

    If you search on Google for the term "joomla can't login after moving to new server" - or something similar, you will get more, than 1 million hits for most of the combinations.

    So, you aren't alone. And there are plenty of suggestions, on what might gone wrong and how you might find that, and there are verious fixes. But what if you moved the site to another domain? From development server to it's final place? This is a subject wich is rarely touched by those advices.

  • How To Create A RSS Feed For Joomla 1.7+

    After I upgraded this site to Joomla 1.7 I wondering, how I can create a RSS feed with all entries to re-create the original functionality we had in the initial site. The problem is that Joomla 1.7 use for this purpose the "Syndication Feeds" module, which picks up the Featured Articles menu item (if any) to create a RSS feed from the currently displayed page.... This works fine - relatively - if you use the default Joomla setup, the Featured Articles menu item being your default homepage. But this isn't my case - and this isn't anymore the case of most of the sites... so I needed to find out something else.

  • Joomla update warnings via Google Webmaster Tools

    Now you have one more extra reason to use Google's very useful Webmaster Tools. Recently Google added to his arsenal of Joomla related enhancements a useful one: In the Google Webmaster Tools you will see a warning with useful details on what to do each time yor Joomla site gets outdated!

  • SEO DOs And DONT’s, According To Google

    Changes to Google’s algorithm have the ability to make or break businesses. Google is sending out the signal that you should worry less about the current SEO trends, and more about producing great content, and that they’re “leveling the playing field” for sites that don’t pay as much attention to SEO. Obviously great content is a positive, but at the same time, Google is showing us each month all of the changes it is making, and all the while, providing tips about how to do certain SEO things better.

  • What you should NOT do for a good SEO?

    Everybody tells you to do this and do that for SEO, and SEO companies can be very aggressive on their offerings - and misleading on free advices... But nobody really telling you what you should avoid when you want to increase your site's chances to be rank high on major search engines. And more important, nobody is telling you, that search-engine robots are getting smarter with every new release, they are harder to be fooled, and better mimicking/anticipating the real Internet user's behaviors/preferences. Having these in mind, let's enumerate a few bad ideas, known traps weekend webmasters often falling into:

  • When searchengine robots are hammering your site...

    SEO is good. SEO is great. Making search-engine spiders visiting your site is even better! Or not??? Recently one of my client has complained, that he was almost banned from one host, because the search-engine bots where "hammering" - read overloading - the server. Ouch...