Joomla plugins

Those little Joomla addons making your life easier. Often overlooked, but important parts of Joomla ecosystem. You can't live withouth them. A plugin is a kind of Joomla! extension, in fact the smallest building block of a Joomla site. Plugins provide functions which are associated with trigger events. Joomla provides a set of core plugin events, but any extension can fire (custom) events. We will show you the best ones you should use, what you can do with them, and will provide you tips on how you can write your own plugins.


Moving the location of Admin login - reloaded

In a previous tip where I described how you can made a Joomla site more secure by relocating the admin login page I presumed that anyone reading it is a code guru. But what if not? More and more webmasters today are casual Joomla users - and they deserve attention too!


Show PDF files in your page

Did you ever needed to show a content of a PDF file in your Joomla page? No, I don't mean link it to be downloadable, but actually show it!

Until recently the only way to do it was DocMan, with a specialized plugin capable to show preview of the PDF files available for download. Was a solution... but to show one or two files was an overkill. Recently I had this problem again, and invested  a serious amount of time to find this marvel:


Modules In Content

Modules are typically displayed on the left and right sides of the page... in module positions everywhere .Evil It's not uncommon to also find modules on the top or bottom of a page. The display location for a module is controlled by the site administrator through the Joomla administrator panel, and it's limited by the template's internal structure. Generally you can insert modules only in the pre-defined module positions. The module management screen provides several options as possible locations for a published module. But Joomla does not provide an easy way if you want to display these modules in the main content area of the site.