

  • Can I just paste content from Word?

    The most likely complaint you can get after launching a Joomla site is, that the owner calls you or mails you, saying, that the page is looking weird after he added his first content item. Blindly you can bet, that he (sometimes despite your warnings) just copy/pasted that content from a Word document, another web-page or some other word processor. The order above isn't an arbitrary one, BTW! What you can do? Humm, you can clean his content item, but you must make them understand, why isn't a good idea to do this, and you must provide them with an alternative: an easy way to paste from Word without damaging (badly) the site.

  • Convert Microsoft Word documents to clean HTML

    Have you been driven crazy by the junk code added to your articles when you, your mate, or your clients are added page content to a Joomla site by copy&pasting from Word? I'm sure the answer is YES. The huge amount of junk you can add this way to your page not only slows down considerably the site, but also can potentially destroy your design. Anyway, you can kiss goodbye the clean, uniform look you (may) wished for your page when started to build it.

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